Clodagh here.
Alpha male and (the other) alpha female in our pack have asked me to pen a few words. They’ve both been a bit tense lately and I’ve no idea why. Still, I’m not complaining as this usually means more cuddles and treats. They’ve cheered up now.
I’ve had a lovely few weeks, with some quality alpha male time. It was worth tolerating a grooming session with Jo, as Pete gave me a bath afterwards. Then we enjoyed a couple of walks together, just the two of us. It was nice to relax without the kid. She just wants to play, like all the time, which distracts me from other important Glen stuff.
We also had three trips to see Sally, another new human friend. The second visit was a bit of a blur, to be honest. I’m embarrassed to say I fell asleep through most of it - #Rude – but hope I compensated by being my usual ebullient self the minute I woke up.
It transpires that Sally removed a tiny lump from one of my breasts which tested benign, whatever the grooming parlour that means. Any hoo, Sally told Pete and Jo that I was fit as a fiddle, A-OK and tickety-boo. Well, I could have told them that!
THANKS for all your kind messages telling me how beautiful and special I am. Guess I take after my dear mum.
Hope you all enjoy the fabulous photos from Team Tara. I would love to catch up with Buster, Jeff and my other siblings soon. We had a blast back in the puppy pen! It would be good to see the other kids again, too. Just wish Jo would get her arse in gear and arrange something!
Speaking of which, it's time for our daily meander. Those hapless humans won't walk themselves!
Much love,

29 June 2023 - Norfolk, UK
So, we managed to just miss Clodagh's moment of peak fertility last month. Disappointing, as we had found the most gorgeous mate who was very keen to make her acquaintance. Sorry about that! We promise to be more accurate when she is next in season.
All being well, this next planned litter will be Clodagh's second-and-last.
The website has not been updated for a while because I'm still hampered by limited space and memory. Not me personally - although that's debateable - but my flaky old laptop. I've not been able to upload all the photos I would like.
Oh my, how TIME flies by! Clodagh's special TT puppies celebrate their second birthday on the 5th of June. We send them all our love.
Massive THANKS to Team Tara for the recent wonderful photos!
James Cabourne
Nevis St Kitts | Nevision | Manolo