Hello Summer! Hope you're all managing to fill those bright, sunshiny days with plenty of sport and play. So much Glen-friendly stuff to do, with festivals and fairs and breezy beaches to explore.
Not that tennis isn't already exciting enough, but we'd like to see Glens at Wimbledon employed as ball-dogs on Centre Court. I know! Genius, right? The prospect of a top-seeded player, immaculate in white, testily negotiating ball ownership with a scruffy, slightly belligerent Glen of Imaal terrier. Now that would be worth the hefty ticket price alone!
Sky and Clodagh are both having a fun summertime and still enjoy each other's company. Poor Clode has an infection in her lughole, which we're treating with Surolan™. Her ear was inflamed angry red inside, but she was not remotely irritated by it. Typical Glen stoicism! The vet thinks it should clear up soon, as we spotted it so quickly. Apparently ear infections are quite common in dogs, yet Sky has never suffered from them. Obviously, because she is Perfect.
Perfect, apart from her reluctance to come into season! Sky is still not ready to mate, so we are now experiencing that vague creeping unease that can morph into blind panic. We've been reassured that she is in rude health and fit as a fiddle. So we wait. I'll keep you all posted. Until then, I leave you to ponder the immortal wise words of punk-poet Ian Dury:
'Also, it takes much longer to get up North. The slow way...'
Sky enjoyed her weekend at the EFG Fun Day Dog Show with Pete. So many gorgeous Glens for her to meet, but the highlight is always to be reunited with Mutley. I think he is the one true love of her life. According to Pete, they both greet each other like a couple of long-lost lovers. Pete is also very fond of Mutley, and it's easy to see why. He's absolutely beautiful! We wish him well - and his lovely owners, Nicki and Richard.
Thanks to Jean Rogers for hosting such a fantastic event. Pete managed to get a few blurry snaps on Saturday. Apologies to all Glens and humans for not knowing your names.
We just had to share these photos from Tina. Buster was chuffed to be reunited with his mate Murphy recently! He also nearly made friends with a cat. By the time Buster had reacted in that Glen-typical, lightening-quick way we all know and love, the wily feline was probably off sunning himself in the next county!
Er, what else? I'm sure there was something vaguely newsy to share. It'll come to me...Ah yes! Sky is coming into season!


Buster's hectic social life has taken another exciting turn. He recently had a Photo Shoot with brilliant dog photographers Pam and Bob Langrish. Please do check out their website. The camera clearly loves Buster almost as much as we do! I guess he has his mother to thank for those photogenic good looks! A massive THANK YOU to Tina for sharing Buster's fabulous modelling portfolio with us.