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Teamhrach Prince Buster

Born: 19|01|2018



Sky's special boy was the fifth to leave us.

Buster's lovely new owner is Tina from Worcestershire.  We immediately knew that Tina was a dog lover, when Sky and the three puppies climbed all over her as she sat on my muddy lawn laughing.  The puppies then chewed at her jewellery, clothing...and hair!  A designer handbag narrowly avoided the same treatment.

Buster is a real character and we'll miss him.  I'll keep you posted with his progress.

An earthquake is erupting...Buster bowl me over with your bogus dance, shuffle me off my feet...

Buster has made himself right at home and Tina summed up his first day pretty well, as he 'ate, played, crashed, played, crashed, ate...'  Sounds like the perfect dog day to us!  We're thrilled to see him so relaxed and happy.  And we can't help having to do a double-take, as he looks so like Sky.

Buster's first week has flown by and he has been busy making a good impression!  He has met his new family now and both vets, with the general consensus being that Buster is utterly adorable.  He has been chilling out lately and still loves sleeping on his back.  We've included a photo of Baby Buster to remind ourselves of just how cute he was!

Baby Buster | January 2018

Another busy week for Buster!  He has been out and about, with a trip to the pet shop for toys, and of course plenty of beauty sleep.  We can't believe how much he has grown.  Buster is still a real character and hasn't quite worked out what the lead is for, by the looks of things, but he's just so supercute!

Buster still loves leaves!

We think that Buster could do with a social secretary, as his diary is so full!  He was the life and soul of a jazz festival recently and made a whole bunch of hip new friends.  Tina said that everyone fell in love with his cool, laidback vibe.  Life has been so hectic that Buster has opted for a quiet mini-break by the sea with us.  He has mostly been putting his paws up and getting reacquainted with Sky and Clodagh.  Check out the Pupdates and photos.



Buster has enjoyed his first outing to the beach with his Mum and Sister.  He was more interested in the sand than the surf and didn't fancy dipping his paw in the sea.  Buster also met a dog considerably larger than himself and was very brave about it.  And young Milo the Irish wolfhound was frankly ginormous!

We loved seeing Buster the other week and we miss him all over again!  Buster now has a smart new memory-foam bed, which is ideal for his important chill-out time.  He also has a cosy colour-coordinated blanket with his name on.  This is particularly helpful, as Buster seems to think that his name is actually 'No!', according to Tina.  She has been concocting delicious frozen paw-shaped treats for him to help with his teething.  Pampered pooch or what?

Much as it pains me to report, Buster Titchmarsh's latest foray into landscape gardening has not gone well.  Being just a teeny bit biased, we put it down to youthful exuberance and a creative personality. That and the heat.  We're not sure if the owner of such an immaculate garden will feel quite so magnanimous, though.  Buster's flair for interior design is possibly another underappreciated Glen skill.  Oh Buster!  Is it wrong to say that we found these photos of your cheerfully destructive rampage hilarious?

My work here is done
Furniture wouldn't melt in his mouth
Step away from the plant pot!

Buster's social life has taken an exciting turn.  Of all the dogs in all the world...he has only gone and found another Glen of Imaal terrier nearby to be his New Best Friend!  Burt and Buster make a great pair, and they thoroughly enjoyed their walk together.  They certainly speak the same language when it comes to Glen-play and rough and tumble.  I can just imagine them both terrierising the neighborhood.  Watch out Worcester!  A lovely portrait of handsome Buster at six months old too.  

Buster with best buddy Burt |

We're sorry to hear that Tina has been having a miserable time of it in hospital, for what seems like forever.  She is missing Buster like crazy.  Tina, we're sure that he is missing you too!  Hope you soon feel better.

Worrying about whether Buster is behaving himself or not is probably the last thing Tina needs, what with being stuck in hospital and all.  Such a relief then, to know she can rely on Buster the trusty terrier to not let her down.  Nothing to see here, Tina...Buster, STEP AWAY FROM THE PLANT POT!

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Not content with having just one Glen friend, Buster recently met a whole bunch of them at a fun-day near Nottingham, with Tina.  He immediately hit it off with a beautiful wheaten puppy called Dougal. 

We would have paid good money to watch the Glen Agility class.  What an inspired if slightly oxymoronic concept!  Not that Glens aren't incredibly agile.  They're just so comical with it.  Despite jumps barely high enough to hinder a hedgehog, one dog still opted to go under rather than over them by the look of things.  Each round must have taken forever, with so many interesting obstacles to investigate.  Wonderful!  


Buster was hot favourite in the sausage race, and it promised to be a closely contested affair for the coveted prize.  The photo clearly shows Buster Bolt (foreground) in winning form, having inched ahead by one enormous paw during the early stages of the race, i.e. right at the start.  Unfortunately, Buster became distracted by his alleged friend, Dougal, and his opponent gained too great an advantage at the finish.  Buster, you will always be a winner to us!  

Buster does Agility | 2018 |

Big it up for Buster!  He can now do a proper Glen Sit, with a little help!  He also paid a visit to his local boozer, and was thrilled to find what looks like a portrait of some distant ancestor on the wall.  We love Buster's smart new outerwear - just the job with winter on its wet and windy way!

We were chuffed to get a postcard from Buster this weekend.  He's been enjoying some downtime in beautiful St Ives, Cornwall.  Great to see him braving that brisk November sea-breeze!   We particularly love Buster's poppy on his collar.  There is also now a purple poppy to remember all the animals affected by war.   

Purple Poppy | For all the animals


Buster wants his ball back

Buster ponders the futility of returning his ball

Buster & Tina

Run Buster Run!

New Dawn, New Day

Prince Buster holds court

Buster got ball


Buster's Celtic Monument

©2017 - 2025 Teamhrach | JOANNA CAPON TAIT

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