Where did the summer go? We have been forced to dust off Sky's Barbour - she is seriously underwhelmed by all this abysmal mizzle!
Sky has been busy patrolling our road and “mousing” in the garden, as well as enjoying her favourite beach walks. She continues to make new friends wherever she goes. With the notable exception of cats: Sky is still desperate to befriend one, but the local felines remain oddly reticent. We have cheered her up by replacing the rope of her ball toy (for the 8th time) - with elastic – hours of fun!
We are still very optimistic that Sky will get together with a suitable mate in a few months’ time. Watch this space – paws crossed!

September 2017 - Norfolk, UK

Thanks so much for all of your interest in Sky. We have received fantastic feedback from as far afield as Australia - so a big shout out to Glen lovers everywhere! The website has definitely gone to Sky's head and she is even more full of herself than usual.
Spring has sprung; and Sky will be turning three on 2nd May. She still has her puppy moments and loves to play hide-and-seek under the table - especially when the stripping knife appears - but she really has blossomed into a beautiful dog. I've uploaded eight new photos.
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that we are a tad lax with grooming Sky. She tends to adopt the "windswept and interesting" look throughout winter, as she does not enjoy being cold, but come spring it's a real stripfest. When I can cajole her out from under the table, that is! A stripped coat will reveal the true proportions and substance of a Glen in all its glory, and is much easier to maintain.
We are still very keen to breed with Sky this year for the first time, and are considering suitably gorgeous potential mates. I will keep you posted!
April 2017 - Norfolk, UK