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2018 has quite literally been the Year of The Dog for us!  It began towards the end of 2017, when Sky met Rock Buster at Romainville.  But our journey started four years earlier.  


We could never have envisaged what was to come, as we walked Sky that first day at Laytown, in glorious, late-summer sunshine, whilst the horses raced on the beach.  Nor could I have imagined the profound, life-affirming bond that would form with my extraordinary Glen of Imaal terrier.  The seed was planted on that beach in Ireland.  We arrived home, delirious with joy, only to discover that all the photos we'd taken of our new puppy were blurry and out of focus.  This is partly why we choose to show every aspect of The Puppy Years, with ample photos and Pupdates.  It's just how we roll.  


Sky gave birth to eight beautiful, healthy puppies last January.  At three days old, one large brindle male was accidentally smothered.  Apparently, it's quite common.  Sky was visibly upset as I consoled her, although I'm not sure who was comforting who.  I wept buckets.  But in that desperately sad moment, we bonded on a much deeper level. 


From the very first puppy, Sky had made it clear who was in charge, with a steely look that said 'I've got this'.  I was simply there to keep the food coming and provide back-rubs.  But after the loss, Sky would delegate and come and get me throughout the day.  She would sit by the pen, attentive, anxious, whilst I counted each precious puppy with her.  Once I got to seven, she would wag her tail.  Clearly, Border collies are not the only numerate dogs!

We are not hard-headed dog breeders.  There, I've said it!  We fell in love with Clodagh from the moment she was born, despite every intention of keeping another Blue.  The decision was purely emotional.  Equally, we both would have been more than happy to keep all seven!  There is an abundance of advice for choosing a new puppy, but very little about selecting the correct owner.  We had to reluctantly take an enormous leap of faith in human nature - frankly, a big ask - when deciding on the best possible homes.


An upside of home-breeding has been the response from other Glen lovers.  So many moving, heart-warming stories, each confirming the depth of love we have for our dogs.  Thanks to all of you for sharing your own unique experience.

A big shout out to some new transatlantic Glen friends, with a special mention to Susan Clancy Dougherty in Connecticut and Maine.  Sadly, she lost her beautiful wheaten Jake after eleven wonderful years.  We just had to share this lovely photo of him doing The Glen Sit.  Such a handsome fella!


And so, with two muddy Glens at my feet and a storm circling outside, I hurl another log on the fire and raise a all the dogs, past and present, that have touched our lives.  Sláinte and Sona Nollag!

jo capon

December 2018 - Norfolk, UK

Pine Cone 4


Isle of Man | October 2018


First Beach Walk | May 2018

Image © Susan Clancy Dougherty |


Image thanks to Susan Clancy Dougherty

Jeff Aug2018.JPG

Farewell summer!  Hello shorter days, mud and mizzle!  As 2018 hurtles towards its inevitable conclusion, the puppies turn ten months old in November.  So many wonderful updates from Team Tara, we continue to bask in your reflected happiness.  THANK YOU!  


Check out Beach Buster in stunning Cornwall recently.  His expanding fan club gained a few more members as he charmed the Cornish coastline.  No surprises there.  In fact, Buster was so popular, he even has his own Celtic monument!  

Sky and Clodagh enjoyed their trip to the ISLE OF MAN in October.  They loved those pristine Manx beaches, and the astonishing, rugged beauty of the Island really did compliment their own.  We got a kick out of watching them both doggy-paddle in the Irish Sea!

Sky's eagerly anticipated next litter has generated a busload of interest from some lovely Glen-loving folk.  We're currently contemplating a suitable mate and will keep you all posted.  Paws crossed for 2019, although not literally in Sky's case!

There is still a chance to meet some Glens this year.  The Glen of Imaal Terrier Association is holding a Championship Show on 25 November 2018.  We wish Kathy and Bertie GOOD LUCK!  

jo capon

November 2018 - Norfolk, UK | Dog with an Old Soul | 2018
Wall Art ©@karolina.iom | Image © Jo Capon 2018 | Castletown IoM


Another exciting month, as we were reunited with Fintan, aka Jeff - King of the Glennie!  We had much fun in the sun at Eaton Park in Norwich, and it was fantastic to meet up with Helen and Tim again.  Both Sky and Clodagh enjoyed seeing Jeff, despite having to dodge his unwelcome amorous advances!  Yes we know: wrong on so many levels, but the boy can't help it.

Another BIG THANK YOU to Team Tara for continuing to share the Glen love.  Check out Buster's New Best Friend.  You'll never guess!  More Pupdates too, as the puppies reached their six month milestone in July.


Massive congratulations to Kathy and Bumbling Bertie!  They recently entered the Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show and...drum roll please...he WON BEST PUPPY in his class!  This means that he has qualified for Crufts in 2019.  We are extremely pleased and proud.  Bertie, you rock!

jo capon

August 2018 - Norfolk, UK

Image thanks to Kathy George at Romainville

©2017 - 2025 Teamhrach | JOANNA CAPON TAIT

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